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Career and Life Planning App
“Career and Life Planning: Know Yourself!”
“Career and Life Planning: Know Yourself!” is a mobile game developed for the MWYO and The Friends of Scouting. It provides a novel gaming experience that assists teachers and social workers in teaching students on life planning. The game uses a relaxed approach to explain “Holland Occupational Themes (RIASEC)” and guides students to explore what fits them from the six occupational personalities, as a first step towards finding the way forward.

Simply swipe left or right to test your occupational personality with ease.

“Most secondary schools use worksheets to during career planning lessons.
Would students be more interested if relevant content could be digitized and included in interactive apps?”

Paper Pak, Program Director

Six mini-games awaits you to challenge yourself. They correspond to six personality types, namely, Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and Conventional.

Through six mini-games, you can understand deeper the characteristics and values behind various of workplace personalities through brand-new experiences.

Download “Career and Life Planning: Know Yourself!” for free

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