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Edutainment apps 

“Speak Along Social King”, “Speak Along Story Wagon” 

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Collaborating with the Centre for Skin Linguistics and Deaf Studies from the Chinese University of Hong Kong’s Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages , we adopt the concept of game-based learning and design two apps so that children learn something through playing games.

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Tackle daily-life challenges in the game

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“Speak Along Social King”

“Speak Along Social King”
A game that improves children's ability to interpret mental states and solve problems they encounter in socializing.  Through various situational games, children learn how to interpret other’s emotions and how to choose the best social response method in different situations. Suitable for junior primary school students.

Download “Speak Along Social King” for free

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“Digital Game-based Learning not only can improve children's motivation in learning
but also allows them to play and learn anytime and anywhere.”

Isaac Lee, Game Programmer

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“Speak Along Story Wagon” 

A game for learning grammar in stories and specific sentence patterns.

The wagons represent nine elements of the story. When students match the correct story element cards on the wagon, the train will be set in motion.  Suitable for kindergarten and junior primary school children.

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Rearrange the order of the cards to power the train.

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Express interesting stories through illustrations

Download “Speak Along Story Wagon” for free

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